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What is McTimoney Therapy?

McTimoney Therapy Clinic

McTimoney Therapy is a gentle yet highly effective full body treatment for spinal and skeletal misalignment. Practiced for over 45 years, this distinctive technique is relatively new to Australia and offers an alternative to many forms of chiropractic and osteopathy.

In McTimoney Therapy ‘cracking’ and ‘popping’ sounds are rare. This is because the adjustments are highly specific, using the speed and dexterity of their delivery to correct misalignment, rather than a more vigorous approach. Consequently, the majority of patients find the treatment comfortable and pain free to receive.

The entire skeleton is routinely assessed for misalignment to determine the true source of any pain symptoms. The pain experienced and the source of pain are not necessarily one and the same. This can occur as a result of compensations automatically made by the body when alignment is lost. For example, it is not uncommon for symptoms in the back and the neck to originate in an unbalanced pelvis.

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